Friday, March 25, 2011

Next Step!

Wow - I really wish I had paid better attention and started a journal when I was going through all of this. I know how the story ended but I really have a tough time on remembering things as to how I exactly got here.

I know after I started with the Wii fit - I tried a few different Wii exercises! I used the EA Sports Active - that one was harder - much harder and I fought with the remotes a lot lol Definitely more of a work out than just the wii fit. I also used my fitness coach along the way.

Along with all of this my walks became longer and longer. I would push until I thought my legs would fall off. Never even thinking about running at this point. More about the fact that I was really hoping that my legs would just stop hurting so much lol I was walking about 2.5 - 3.5 miles at least 6 days a week. Not very fast but I didn't give up.

I know by the summer of 2009 I had lost close to 25 - 30 lbs. I was feeling and seeing the changes. By fall I was down about 60 lbs.

Most of my exercise was still limited to walking mostly and doing the wii. I did start a few exercise DVDs but hadn't branched out to those yet but I do think I bought Jillian's 30 day shred - which seriously kicked my butt! I was still very strict on my diet as well. That was something that was pretty difficult for me. I went the whole summer with NO ice cream and no treats. I had had the last 40+ years for those things and I would have them again just was staying focused on the task at hand and that was to lose weight.

When exactly I started running was during that fall but when I couldn't tell you exactly. I just knew that it was time to step things up. My goal - run from one light post to the next lol If I didn't fall over then I could do it again. I remember too getting on my parents treadmill - I didn't' get mine until Jan 2010 - when I would put it on 4.4 and start to run errrrr jog whatever form it was it was difficult. I didn't give up though. I kept pushing on.

Winter really wasn't too terrible even with all the sweets and junk around. I was still determined though I was slowing down on my weight loss and knew that I would have to change things up soon to get to where I wanted to be.

At the end of December 09 I had lost 77 lbs and I was 23 lbs away from my goal weight. Took me 8 months to get to that weight. I had changed through about 2 different sizes of clothes and was excited about buying new clothes but didn't' want to over do it because I knew I hadn't reached my goal --- YET!! :)

Photo from Sept 2009

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