Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Start with a photo

I am not totally sure when this was taken and it's definitely not me at my heaviest but it does show how big I was - I would guess I probably weighed 220 in this photo. When I begin my weightloss journey in May 2009 I weighed in at 237 lbs.

Trust me I was a complete shock when I realized what i weighed. I avoided scales and didn't have one in my house. I didnt want to know how big I really was I guess. One thing that started me to realize that it was time is the fact that I had found out that my father who is over 6' weighed just about 240 at the time. Huh? How could he weigh just a little more than me - he is a big guy! *gulp*

Then comes facebook - hmmmm no one else gained weight? How did that happen? Seems like everyone I was finding from high school looked and weighed the same - not me!!! I did battle weight problems in junior high and lost a lot of weight when I started high school. I think that for me was something that was always there so to speak and it didnt long for those old lazy habits to creep back in after I had kids. I tried a few times after having kids to lose the weight but never seemed to be able to stick with it.

Lastly comes in the health issues. My brother had died of a massive heart attack a few years earlier - my mother had a quad bypass and I finally had quit smoking. Some news about my DH and his health brought it all into light that life is too short and I was making it shorter by what I was doing to my body. It was well past time.

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